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Current expansion is the second longest post-war

Current expansion is the second longest post-war.png

MSCI EAFE index NTM P/E relative to MSCI USA index from 1999

MSCI EAFE index NTM P:E relative to MSCI USA index from 1999.png

US leading indicators as a predictor of recession

US leading indicators as a predictor of recession.png

US corporate debt market as percent of GDP

US corporate debt market as percent of GDP.png

Unemployment as a predictor of recession

Unemployment as a predictor of recession.png

GDP regional view

GDP regional view.png

Funded ratios for state pension plans

Funded ratios for state pension plans.png

FOMC forecast divergent from the market's forecast

FOMC forecast divergent from the market's forecast.png

Developed markets have caught up to historical average

Developed markets have caught up to historical average.png

The world at a glance

The world at a glance.png

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