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Value vs. growth - near historical trough since 1988

Value vs. growth - near historical trough since 1988(1).png

Value vs. growth - near historical trough since 1988

Value vs. growth - near historical trough since 1988.png

U.S., Japan and Europe since 1999

U.S., Japan and Europe since 1999.png

U.S. vs. international performance history since 1977

U.S. vs. international performance history since 1977.png

U.S. percentage of global capitalization - Developed since 1985

U.S. percentage of global capitalization - Developed since 1985.png

International room to recover

International room to recover.png

Alternating leadership cycles - international vs. U.S. equities since 1971

Alternating leadership cycles - international vs. U.S. equities since 1971.png

What part of the corporate curve is more insulated to yield increase?

What part of the corporate curve is more insulated to yield increase?.png

Corporate debt levels inconsistent with high yield spreads since 1994

Corporate debt levels inconsistent with high yield spreads since 1994.png

Are you being compensated for high yield risk today?

Are you being compensated for high yield risk today?.png

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