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Our Return Forecasting Accuracy (Source: RAFI Indices)

September 9.png

Is Diversification Dead? A look by decade (Source: RAFI Indices)

September 1.png

RAFI's Steep Discounts Suggest Higher Subsequent Returns (source: RAFI Indices)

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How Expensive are FANMAG (Source: RAF Indices)

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Listed homes for sale per capita since 1991

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A Multi-Year Boom in Home Prices Could Boost Rent Inflation (Source: DoubleLine Funds)

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US budget deficit watch since 1970

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U.S. Nominal GDP Growth by Year with 2021 Forecast (Source: Bloomberg)

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GDP Vs S&P 500 & Earnings Growth (Source: Real Investment Advice)

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Monthly inflation: 1872 to present

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