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Life Expectancy and Income per Person in 2012 (US is the Yellow Dot)

Life Expectancy and Income per Person in 2012 (US is the Yellow Dot).png

Life Expectancy and Income per Person in 1900 (US is the Yellow Dot)

Life Expectancy and Income per Person in 1900 (US is the Yellow Dot).png

U.S. Economic Expansions Duration Since 1945

U.S. Economic Expansions Duration Since 1945.png

Home Price to Income Ratios in the U.S. Since 1975

U.S. vs Emerging Markets GDP per Capita Distribution

U.S. vs Emerging Markets GDP per Capita Distribution.png

Headline Inflation by Country and Region

Headline Inflation by Country and Region.png

Length of Economic Expansions and Recessions Since 1900

Length of Economic Expansions and Recessions Since 1900.png

The Cycle of Market Emotions

The Cycle of Market Emotions.png

Percent of People Who Could Have Saved Money by Refinancing Their Mortgage Loans in 2010

Percent of People Who Could Have Saved Money by Refinancing Their Mortgage Loans in 2010.png

Retail Unit Closings Since 1995: The Closings of the U.S. Retail Stores Is on a Record Pace So Far

Retail Unit Closings Since 1995 - The Closings of the U.S. Retail Stores Is on a Record Pace So Far.png

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