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Half of the corporate bonds in the Bloomberg Barclays aggregate bond index BAA/BBB rated

Half of the corporate bonds in the Bloomberg Barclays aggregate bond index BAABBB rated.png

U.S. corporate profits/GDP since 1929

U.S Corporate Profits to GDP.png

Fed easing with unemployment rate below 5%?

Fed easing with unemployment rate below 5.png

10 years: MSCI EAFE value vs. MSCI EAFE growth performance

10 years MSCI EAFE value vs. MSCI EAFE growth performance.png

10 years: MSCI world value vs. MSCI world growth performance

10 years MSCI world value vs. MSCI world growth performance.png

Stock market reacts positively to Fed interest rate cuts

Stock market reacts positively to Fed interest rate cuts.png

United States: corporate debt-to-GDP

United States corporate debt-to-GDP.png

U.S. historical drawdowns in the Value Premium (HML) have been followed by recoveries

U.S. historical drawdowns in the Value Premium (HML) have been followed by recoveries.png

The long-term value premium requires a strategic lens

The long-term value premium requires a strategic lens.png

Worst equity excess return drawdowns across countries (USD terms)

Worst equity excess return drawdowns across countries (USD terms).png

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